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Book Journaling

Do you ever find yourself wondering, “have I read this before?” Or, “what was that book my friend mentioned?”

A book journal is a fun way to track what you’re reading and remember what you want to read next. If your New Year’s resolution is to read more, a book journal is a great way to stay motivated!

Some people keep a simple list of titles, while others like to illustrate their journals or include their favorite quotes to reflect on later.

2021 In Memoriam

As we reflect on 2021, we would like to take time to remember the authors and public figures who left us this year. Our list below just scratches the surface. View more notable deaths on comprehensive lists from The New York Times and Entertainment Weekly to look back at more iconic individuals who passed this year. 


Staff Fiction Favorites from 2021

Each year, we like to ask the staff what their favorite reads have been. This year, we asked about movies and television as well - look for that in a future post! 

Many of our fiction lovers were passionate about the favorite books they read this year:

Loved Squid Game? Here's what you should read next

Everyone's talking about Squid Game and for good reason: it's utterly impossible to stop watching. Squid Game is not new. Sure, the series is quite new, but the script was written more than a decade ago, in 2007. Hwang Dong-hyuk wrote it with inspiration from books like Liar Game or Battle Royale. He has never imagined the story would gain so much notoriety, fearing people would find it a bit weird and hard to understand. He failed to realize that his story would perfectly match today's society.

Indigenous People's Day

Today is Indigenous People’s Day and for the occasion, we have compiled suggested materials for our patrons. The library strives to be a welcoming place for all people and to provide resources and books that genuinely reflect the stories of the authors and of our community. This MAP is a resource to show you what Native Land you are on.

Autumn Staff Picks

Whether you're a fan of a cozy read or a spooky read to bring you into the fall season, our library staff has you covered! We've narrowed down our favorite books with fall vibes for kids, young adults, and adults below. Let us know if you end up reading any of our suggestions! 


Celebrating Banned Books Week | September 26 - October 2, 2021

Each year, the West Des Moines Public Library celebrates Banned Books Week to honor the freedom to read. Banned Books Week was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries.  Librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types come together during this week to support the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those some consider unorthodox or unpopular.

Library Staff Picks from the Summer

Ever wonder what the WDM Library staff is reading? Here's your chance to get a peek into what our favorite books were from this summer! 



Staff picks: 

YA Books Set in the Summertime

Longer days and sunny skies are abundant in these young adult books!

Get in the Olympic Spirit with These Reads!

Who else is ready to dive into the Tokyo 2020 games? These fantastic reads are waiting to get you into the Olympic Spirit!